Captain Faggotron Saves the Universe
Play Trailer
Captain Faggotron Saves the Universe


Captain Faggotron Saves the Universe

Captain Faggotron Saves the Universe

Fri 10 Nov 9:15 PM
Selling Fast

Kino - Cinema 2
Allocated Seating
Unclassified 18+
72 Mins | Germany

“The power of Christ compels you” … not to smoke the devil’s cabbage, thereby getting the munchies and scoffing all the church’s blessed wafers like a very naughty boy. The Exorcist, this is not. Instead, it’s free-loving German filmmaker Harvey Rabbit’s deliriously unhinged, partly animated and often fully undressed interstellar misadventure in which a probing alien force, the ex of a closeted priest, attempts to flood the Earth with rampaging homosexuals. Can Captain Faggotron save the day? Should he? Can he explain what’s going on in this outré omnisexual delirium pulsing with synth beats? Who knows? But you should totally go.

Content Advice
This film contains a content advisory. For more information, please click here.

Kino - Cinema 2

45 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, 3000