Featured Queer Shorts (Online)
Several of the most extraordinary animated, musical and experimental shorts appear before features in this year's program; here they're all bundled together for your viewing and listening pleasure.
And a Little for Me (DIR: Kathryn Roake, USA)
Maurice's Bar (DIR: Tzor Edery, Tom Prezman, France)
Falling for Greta (DIR: Gustavo Arteaga, UK)
Áhkuin (DIR: Radio-JusSunná / Sunná Nousuniemi, Guhtur Niillas Rita Duomis / Tuomas Kumpulainen, Finland)
Dreams of Sunlight Through Trees (DIR: Theo Jean Cuthand, Canada)
Forza, Rea! (DIR: Isabel Pahud, Isabel Clerici, Laura Zimmermann, Polina Tyrsa, Switzerland)
Queerovision (DIR: Lynne Harwood, Jay Farley, UK)
Body-oddy-oddy-oddy: Destabilizing the Surveilling of Queer Bodies (DIR: Benjamin Rosenthal, Eric Souther, USA)
MQFF+ content is available to purchase now, and will be available to stream from Friday 15 Nov – Sun 1 Dec.