Sat 16 Nov 3:15 PM
Cinema Nova - Cinema 9
Allocated Seating
Unclassified 15+
Enduring the Sixties Scoop and the intergenerational trauma of what his mother suffered from the residential school system, First Nations and Two-Spirit artist George Littlechild shares their story as a survivor of the genocidal policies of Canada. George’s art is a way they "try to bring joy to the planet" despite the challenges and struggles of the Indigenous experience under colonial systems. The artist's indigeneity and interconnectedness to nature has made their art a spiritual way of healing for the community. Documenting through photograph and video archives of their experiences in a world that was often dismissive of Two-Spirit identity, George perseveres for recognition that queers have always existed. This debut feature documentary by Métis Nation director Conor McNally is an insight into the artist's process, drawing the viewer inside the world of an artist whose quiet defiance expresses the need for a queer indigenous futurity.
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